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Band and Chorus



The Bellflower Unified School District is so proud of having an Elementary Band at ten school sites.  We offer instruction in flute, clarinet, alto and tenor saxophone, trumpet, and baritone.  At Woodruff School, our Band continues to work hard learning to read and play music.  We allow the students to play alone as solo's and together in ensembles.  Performances enhance the learning experience, as the students play for family and friends at various times in the year.  The Band is open to the fifth and sixth grade students who desire to learn an instrument.  Most students own or rent their instruments from local music stores, but, we do have a few available for the students to borrow from the District. In addition, we have several Woodruff students involved in the GATE Band, which is an honor group.  We are fortunate in Bellflower to offer instrumental music to our Elementary students and look forward to working with more Woodruff students through the years.


Music Education is going strong here at Woodruff! Our fifth and sixth grade students can participate in our school Chorus. The goal of the program is to introduce students to choral singing, while giving them a variety of opportunities to perform throughout the year. Chorus students learn how to identify and use various music notation symbols, and in addition they learn how to work together as a team to create a professional performance twice a year. In the winter and in the spring we will showcase the Chorus at the Bellflower Civic Theater. These mini-musicals are filled with solo performances, speaking parts in costume, dancers, and more. If your child is in Chorus, they are also eligible to audition for our district-wide GATE identified performing groups: Ensemble, Advanced Chorus, and the Elementary Dance Program.