Grade Level Supply LIst
At Frank E. Woodruff Elementary School, we supply learning materials for all students. With the increase of technolgy, one personal item your student will need is a set of earbuds. Students are working on individual devices throughout the day and earbuds assist with technology access. Fifth and sixth grade students will also need to purchase a student planner for $5.00. Planners can be purchased in the classroom or school office. If you choose to send personal supplies with your child, here are some suggestions:
Suggested Supply List
Kindergarten through Third grades:
1 24-pack of Crayola crayons
1 8 or 10 count Crayola markers (not fine tip)
1 box of Expo Dry Erase markers
1 box primary size pencils with erasers
1 box regular size pencils with erasers
Elmer’s glue sticks
Elmer’s white glue (8 oz. bottle)
2 folders- solid color only
2 boxes of #2 pencils
1 pencil sharpener with lid
1 highlighter
1 pencil box
1 wide rule spiral notebook
Fourth through Sixth Grades:
Pencils and Erasers
3 Elmer’s glue sticks
2 large packs of notebook filler paper
4 spiral notebooks - 70 pages - wide rule
1 12-count Crayola colored pencils
1 24-count Crayola crayons
1 3-ring binder, 1” wide
2 highlighters
1 pencil sharpener with lid
1 package thick point Expo Dry Erase Markers (dark)
2 packs (8-10 count) felt tip markers-1 thick & 1 thin
1 white board eraser